
Welcome to Closet Collection API

This application exposes backend endpoints for our frontend application to consume. Working in a service-oriented architecture, the frontend will communicate with this application by consuming our API in order to build an application that allows users to organize their closet. You can find our Frontend Repo: Here

Get a User

GET "/api/v1/user/:id"

Get a User's Items

GET "/api/v1/users/:id/items"

Get One Item from a User

GET "/api/v1/users/:id/items/:id"

Get One Item from a User based off a category

GET "/api/v1/users/:id/items/find_all?clothing_type=#{clothing_type}&color=#{color}&season=#{season}"

Create an Item

POST "/api/v1/users/:id/items"

Delete a User's Item

DELETE "/api/v1/users/:id/items/:id"

Get one List from a User

GET "/api/v1/users/:id/lists/:id"

Create a List

POST "/api/v1/users/:id/lists"

Delete a List

DELETE "/api/v1/users/:id/items/:id"

Create an List's Item

POST "/api/v1/items/:item_id/lists/:list_id"

Delete a List Item

DELETE "/api/v1/items/:item_id/lists/:list_id"

Find us on GitHub:

Backend Team:
Anhnhi Tran: anhtran811
Kelsie Porter: KelsiePorter
Braxton Eddings: beddings81
Frontend Team:
Blanche Haddad: BHaddad1
Tristin Sorrells: Tristinsorrells1
Sarah Hampton: SHampton22
Patt Sookmark: pattpjy
Karrar Qasim: KarrarQ